
Showing posts from February, 2010

Contemporary Development Administration

Author: U. C. Mandal Title: Development and public administration The problems of public administration in developing countries are so vastly different from those of the developed world that a new discipline, development administration, has emerged since the 1960s to study them. Although a large number of books and articles have been written on the subject, questions still persist as to whether such a discipline exists or is necessary. Nevertheless, development has become a major focust of administrative activity in the countries of the Third World. The industrialized societes have recognised the need for these countries to gear their administrative machinery to new developmental tasks and responsibilities. The major political phenomena in the latter half of the twentieth century constitute an intricate and complex subject, but they are susceptible, at the risk of oversimplification, to relatively brief summary and analysis. The first and most obvious condition has been the tremen...

Turkey towards European Union

 Title: T urkey and Turkish Public Administration Author: Hamit Palabiyik (2008) Given its geopolitical status, Turkey has always been considered a strategically important country in the region. However, more importantly Turkey's position in Europe and Asia might be summarized as a country undertaking the role of a 'bridge between East and West'. Being modern, democratic and secular, Turkey can be a leading factor, fostering confidence and trust in the region in spite of country's own problems. Turkey's respectability evolves mainly from its dynamic and progressive cultural, historical, socioeconomic, and governmental characteristics (East West Institute 2007). A diverse range of alliances is one of the strengths of the country. By virtue of its strong strategic ties, Turkey increasingly becomes a regional power as a global actor with a growing influence in world order. Today, Turkey is a member of almost every Western European international organization includi...

Bureaucratic Issues in Indonesia

Reform experienced by Indonesia in 1998 has led to major change nationwide. The change took place as far as governmental administration process. Bureaucracy as part of the government’s job description, was also affected by the reform. The movement towards change required bureaucracy to be more neutral, transparent, responsive, and accountable, politically. Such demand has pushed the bureaucrats to create a new frame and characteristic building in answering their responsibility to fulfill the needs of people as their constituents. In practice, Indonesian bureaucracy truly needed more experience to anticipate this massive change. For example, there were still many handicaps in providing public services. This situation opposed to the previously idealized dream, a government as a good servant for the citizens. Many elements of the current government administration were reluctant to fulfill the people needs voluntarily. Bureaucracy, which initially aimed to simplify administration process, ...

Gangguan Renal Akut

Acute Renal Failure (ARF) ditandai dengan penurunan secara mendadak kadar filtrasi glomerular (GRF) dan alternasi kemampuan ginjal untuk mengeluarkan racun harian (Bagan 39-2). Kejadian ARF dapat berhubungan dengan penurunan produksi urin (oliguria, dengan produksi kurang dari 500 ml dalam waktu 24 jam), ataupun dengan aliran urin yang normal. Gangguan ini biasanya menyerang ginjal yang sebelumnya sehat/tidak terkena gangguan apapun. Durasinya berbeda-beda dari beberapa hari hingga beberapa pekan. Penyebab ARF sangat bermacam-macam, dan sering ada beberapa yang terjadi secara bergantian (Boks 39-1). Secara garis besar, penyebab terjadinya ARF dapat dikelompokkan menjadi tiga, yaitu: (1) kurangnya perfusi renal (prerenal), (2) penyakit yang terjadi pada parenkima renal (intrinsic), dan (3) obstruksi (postrenal). Biasanya, jika dilakukan pemeriksaan dengan diagnosis yang cermat saat terjadi prerenal dan obstruksi, ARF tidak akan berumur panjang dan tidak memerlukan intervensi nutrisi khu...