Tatakelola di dalam kebijakan luar negeri Uni Eropa: mencari pengaruh negara kecil
Skander Nasra Journal of European Public Policy 18: 2 March 2011: 164-180 Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group It is often stated that small states are not left much choice other than to accept the authority of large states in European Union (EU) foreign policy. This article argues that they may indeed be small in terms of resources but not necessarily in terms of influence. Conceptualizing EU foreign policy as a system of governance, the article suggests a framework for analysis to explain the extent to which small states may wield influence. The utility of the proposed framework is demonstrated by examining Belgian diplomatic activity in EU foreign policy towards the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Keywords: Belgium; Democratic Republic of Congo; European Union foreign policy; governance; influence; small states Tatakelola di dalam kebijakan luar negeri Uni Eropa: mencari pengaruh negara kecil Di dalam lingkungan Uni Eropa, kelompok negara kecil tidak memiliki banyak k