
Showing posts from November, 2010

Waspada Kerusakan pada Kornea Mata Anda

Kornea adalah bagian dari organ penglihatan manusia yang sering mengalami cidera. Penelitian yang dilakukan oleh tim peneliti University of Maryland Medical Center menemukan tanda-tanda terjadinya kerusakan kornea mata, sebagai berikut: - mata sangat sensitif terhadap cahaya; - pandangan kabur; - rasa nyeri pada mata; - terasa ada sesuatu yang mengganjal dalam kelopak mata; - mata berwarna merah; - kelopak mata bengkak. Sumber: Diana Kohnle | MedlinePlus | 8 Nopember 2010

Healthcare Waste in the United States Healthcare System

How America will pay for healthcare is a subject on the mind of virtually every American today. As Congress determines who will pick up the tab for this important and growing expense, it is worthwhile to take a close look at the cost of healthcare itself. Are there areas where expenses can be cut without undermining the quality of care provided? How prevalent are misuse, overuse, and fraud? This paper tackles the tangled issue of healthcare waste and arrives at some interesting, and perhaps even surprising, conclusions: America’s healthcare system is, indeed, hemorrhaging billions of dollars, and the opportunities to slow the fiscal bleeding are substantial. To organize the evidence supporting claims for the magnitude of waste in the healthcare system,we first suggest a set of categories of waste. For each category, there is a simple definition, a brief description of the examples, and references that allow us to make a reasonable assessment of total annual waste for each category. Ca...

The Effect of a Low Carbohydrate Beverage with Added Protein on Cycling Endurance Performance in Trained Athletes

Authors: Ferguson-Stegall, Lisa; McCleave, Erin L; Ding, Zhenping; Kammer, Lynne M; Wang, Bei; Doerner, Phillip G; Liu, Yang; Ivy, John L Ingesting carbohydrate plus protein during prolonged variable intensity exercise has demonstrated improved aerobic endurance performance beyond that of a carbohydrate supplement alone. The purpose of the present study was to determine if a supplement containing a mixture of different carbohydrates (glucose, maltodextrin, and fructose) and a moderate amount of protein given during endurance exercise would increase time to exhaustion (TTE), despite containing 50% less total carbohydrate than a carbohydrate-only supplement. Our results suggest that, compared to a traditional 6% CHO supplement, a mixture of carbohydrates plus a moderate amount of protein can improve aerobic endurance at exercise intensities near the VT, despite containing lower total carbohydrate and caloric content.

Teori Jean Watson tentang Keperawatan

Menurut Jean Watson keperawatan berfokus pada peningkatan kesehatan, pencegahan penyakit, perawatan yang sakit dan pemulihan kesehatan. Perawatan memperhatikan peningkatan kesehatan sepadan dengan pengobatan penyakit. Keperawatan didefinisikan sebagai berikut: Ilmu tentang manusia dan pengalaman sehat sakit manusia yang didapatkan melalui transaksi profesional, ilmiah, estetis dan etis . Tujuan keperawatan (melalui proses keperawatan) adalah membantu orang untuk mencapai derajat harmoni yang tinggi dari dirinya dengan sasaran untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan diri, penyembuhan atau memperoleh makna dari apa yang terjadi dalam hidup ini. Konsep utama Keperawatan 1. Manusia. Adalah seseorang yang berharga yang perlu dirawat, dihormati, dipelihara, dipahami, dan dibantu. Secara fisiologis manusia dipandang sebagai pengintegrasian diri secara penuh. Manusia dipandang sebagai lebih dari kesimpulan organ-organ. 2. Kesehatan Aspek-aspek kesehatan menurut WHO meliputi a) tingkat yang tinggi d...

Progress in Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV

 A Case Study in New York State, US 1988-2008 Authors: Birkhead, Guthrie S. MD, MPH; Pulver, Wendy P. MS; Warren, Barbara L. BSN, MPH, PNP; Klein, Susan J. MS; Parker, Monica M. PhD; Caggana, Michele ScD, FACMG; Smith, Lou C. MD, MPH Objectives: To assess the outcomes of efforts to prevent mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) made over the last 2 decades in New York State (NYS), through review of data from multiple sources. Methods: Using available surveillance, laboratory, and program monitoring data, the following were examined for NYS: (1) the rate of prenatal HIV testing, (2) HIV prevalence among childbearing women, (3) maternal prenatal and delivery care, (4) care of HIV-exposed infants, and (5) the rate of MTCT. Trends over time and comparisons among groups were assessed. Results: In NYS, HIV prevalence in childbearing women has declined 70% since its peak in 1989. Rates of prenatal HIV testing have been more than 95% in recent ye...