
Showing posts from July, 2012

Praktek kosmopolitanisme di dalam Komisi Eropa

Title: Everyday cosmopolitanisme in the European Commission Atuthor: Semin Suvarierol Documentation: Journal of European Public Policy 18:2 March 2011:181-200 Publication: Routlege, Taylor & Francis Group There is a rich body of literature on the functioning of the European Commission and the profile of its officials in the 1990s and early 2000s. Yet, the empirical evidence on the new generation Commission officials operating in the post-reform Commission bureaucracy is scarce. What kind of individuals end up working for the Commission? How do they think and behave on a daily basis? This article provides an insight into a crucial aspect of the everyday behaviour of Commission officials and whether national identity and categorizations play a role in the Commission. The analysis of the functions and meanings of nationality in a multinational context and the ways in which officials deal with nationality provides evidence of cosmopolitan dispositions and practices. In contrast ...