
Showing posts from June, 2012

Meta-analisis dan kritik konseptual riset tentang ambiguitas peran dan peran konflik di tempat kerja

A Meta-analysis and Conceptual Critique of Research on Role Ambiguity and Role Conflict in Work Settings Susan E. Jackson , Randall S. Schule r (1985) Department of Management, Graduate School of Business Administration, New York University Academic Press, Inc. Teori peran (role theory) telah menjadi bagian yang signifikan dari kegiatan peneltiian sejak dekade 1950an. Penelitian-penelitian yang berhubungan dengan teori peran yang telah dilakukan antara lain tentang konstruk ambiguitas peran dan konflik peran (contoh penelitian, Gross, Mason, & McEachern 1978; Kahn, Wolfe, House, & Lirtzman 1970). Sebagian besar (sekitar 85%) penelitian skala ambiguitas peran dan konflik peran yang dikembangkan oleh Rizzo et al. 1970 (Van Sell, Brief, & Schuler 1981). Tidak adanya kesepakatan tentang pengetahuan ambiguitas peran dan konflik peran mengilhami dilakukannya penelitian ini. Mengingat telah terdapat hampir 200 peenltiian yang juga menggunakan ukuran-ukuran ambigitas per...

Alat pengukur resiko untuk identifikasi individu pengidap diabetes Type 2

Brian Buijsse, Rebeccka K. Simmons, Simon J. Griffin, Matthias B. Schulze Epidemologic Reviews Vol. 33, 2011 Oxford Univ. Press on behalf of Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Trials have demonstrated the preventability of type 2 diabetes through lifestyle modifications or drugs in people with impaired glucose tolerance. However, alternative ways of identifying people at risk of developing diabetes are required. Multivariate risk scores have been developed for this purpose. This article examines the evidence for performance of diabetes risk scores in adults by 1) systematically reviewing the literature on available scores and 2) their validation in external populations; and 3) exploring methodological issues surrounding the development, validation, and comparison of risk scores. Risk scores show overall good discriminatory ability in populations for whom they were developed. However, discriminatory performance is more heterogeneous and generally weaker in external pop...

Paparan media, agresi dan perilaku prososial pada anak-anak usia dini: sebuah studi longitudinal

Jamie M. Ostrov, Douglas A. Gentile, Nicki R. Crick Media, Agression & Prosocial Behavior Social Development Preschool children (N = 78) enrolled in multi-informant, multi-method longitudinal study were participants in a  study designed to investigate the role of media exposure (i.e., violent and educational) on concurrent and future agressive and pro-social behavior. Specifically, the amount of media exposure and nature of the content was used to predict concurrent and future physical, verbal and relational aggression as well as pro-social behavior for girls and boys. This two year longitudinal study found that media exposure predicted various subtypes of aggression and prosocial behavior. These findings are qualified by the gender of the focal child. That is, parental reports of media exposure were associated with relational aggression for girls and physical aggression for boys at school. Ways in which these findings extend our understanding of the role of media during ea...

Tatakelola di dalam kebijakan luar negeri Uni Eropa: mencari pengaruh negara kecil

Skander Nasra Journal of European Public Policy 18: 2 March 2011: 164-180 Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group It is often stated that small states are not left much choice other than to accept the authority of large states in European Union (EU) foreign policy. This article argues that they may indeed be small in terms of resources but not necessarily in terms of influence. Conceptualizing EU foreign policy as a system of governance, the article suggests a framework for analysis to explain the extent to which small states may wield influence. The utility of the proposed framework is demonstrated by examining Belgian diplomatic activity in EU foreign policy towards the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Keywords: Belgium; Democratic Republic of Congo; European Union foreign policy; governance; influence; small states Tatakelola di dalam kebijakan luar negeri Uni Eropa: mencari pengaruh negara kecil Di dalam lingkungan Uni Eropa, kelompok negara kecil tidak memiliki banyak k...