Kawasan geolinguistik dan diaspora pada era televisi satelit

Author: Josu Amezaga Albizu, Faculty of Social and Communication Sciences, University of the Basque Country, Sarriena auzunea, z.g., 48940 Leioa, Basque Country, Spain.

Studies of the globalization processes in the communications media have frequently emphasized the planetary-scale diffusion of the dominant cultural and linguistic models. This is undoubtedly a clearly observable tendency of our age. However, at the same time different tendencies can be observed through which globalization is also affecting other languages and cultures, which have no choice but to globalize themselves since they belong to less favoured communities. This is the case, for example, of the languages that migrant and diasporic populations take with them on their journeys. A detailed analysis of the world panorama of satellite television makes this phenomenon clearly apparent, where the presence of those other languages makes it possible to speak of the formation of geolinguistic regions that cross geographical spaces and the frontiers of the nation-state. 

Source: International Communication Gazette
June 2007 vol. 69 no. 3 239-261

Kawasan Geolinguistik dan Diaspora pada Era Televisi Satelit

Penelitian tentang proses-proses globalisasi di dalam media komunikasi telah berulang-kali menekankan difusi global dari model-model budaya dan linguistik. Hal demikian merupakan kecenderungan yang tak terelakkan pada era sekarang. Akan tetapi, pada waktu yang bersamaan kecenderungan-kecenderungan yang berbeda dapat diamati sehingga orang mengetahui bagaimana globalisasi ikut mempengaruhi bahasa dan budaya lain, yang tidak memiliki pilihan selain mengglobalisasikan diri karena berada di antara kelompok masyarakat yang terpinggirkan.

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