Performance measurement of German public sectors


Judul: Performance measurement in the public sector: the German experience
Peneliti: Dorothea Greiling
Tahun: 2005
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Title: Performance measurement in the public sector: the German experience.
Author: Dorothea Greiling
Year of research: 2005
to find out the use of performance measurement in German public sector.
to evaluate work performance evaluation style and to give recommendation for improvement of the performance measurement evaluation in public sector.
the study observed purposes to be achieved by new public management according to theories. the observation was performed on the style of performance measurement of the German public sector.
German public sector had a slow response to its performance measurement;
Potential performance measurement in German public sector had not been achieved optimally due to the government's poor response to performing the ongoing measurement method.
Further study is necessary to engage transaction cost and performance measurement opportunities as well as to analyze conditions by which performance measurement can help support the organizational learning process.

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